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What is IBC domains?

IBC domains is a distributed naming system which allows users to have one "alias" across multiple Cosmos chains.

Our vision is to abstract addresses where possible to enable a more scalable UX, especially for an appchain future with thousands of individual chains.

Your IBC domain essentially connects all your addresses across the interchain, giving you a readable on-chain identity.

For instance, all your addresses

  • cosmos1elwrkcazwacy3gyj6jg2g4yp243zkzs62mpsd7
  • osmo1elwrkcazwacy3gyj6jg2g4yp243zkzs6zqjqmv
  • juno1elwrkcazwacy3gyj6jg2g4yp243zkzs6ufzt2z
  • etc.

will now just be e.g. alice.cosmos. No matter what chain you're on, alice.cosmos is connected to your addresses.

This potentially enables a variety of use cases, but specifically aims to improve user experience across wallets, dapps and users sending & receiving funds.

Initially the contracts & registry are living solely on Juno. However, as the future is cross-chain, we are looking at ICS-721 as well as other solutions (incl. interchain queries) to be able to interact with the domains (register/transfer/renew) from other chains.

How does it work?

IBC domains follow the CW-721 standard and can be transferred like any regular NFTs, as well as added to NFT marketplaces.

As part of the NFTs metadata, it is possible to associate other info like social accounts with your IBC domain to represent your identity, e.g.:

  • Twitter
  • Telegram
  • Discord
  • Keybase
  • ...

Adding & editing your metadata will be supported shortly after launch on our UI.

A profile picture can also be associated with a domain.

Dapps and wallets can query all associated information through either our Javascript SDK or directly from the chain.

You can own multiple IBC domains, but only one can be your Primary domain. It will be used for reverse lookup by wallet address by third-party Dapps and wallets.


IBC domains comes with a convenient Javascript SDK for simple integration with dapps and wallets.